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  • 101,102 Jayesh Building, Vasai (E) 401208
  • Mon - Sat(9.30 - 6.00) Sunday - Closed

Boiler Antiscalant Chemical

Boiler Antiscalant Chemical

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U.S.Steriles is Manufacturer of Boiler Antiscalant Chemicals in Mumbai - India

Gramicid-SI (Scale Inhibitor Cum Sludge Conditioner)

Gramicid-SI is easy and single use liquid for internal treatment of boiler water.
It is used for all Medium & high-pressure boilers. In addition to its property of scale inhibition, it also acts as a sludge conditioner.
Scale inhibitor property prevents depositions of hardness salts of water such as calcium, magnesium etc.
Sludge conditioning property loosens the sludge and keeps it in fluidized state so it becomes easy to remove the sludge during normal blow down
Thus, it keeps the boiler surface clean and the heat transfer efficiency of the boiler coil is at the maximum.

Dosage: Dosage normally depends on the quality of feed water and operating parameters of the boiler. Our personnel will recommend the correct dosage of Gramicid-SI.


Packing of 10 Kg and 30 Kg.


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