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Cooling Tower Biocide Chemical

Cooling Tower Biocide Chemical

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Gramicid-C the cooling tower biocide is basically formulated for Biocidal, Fungicidal and Algaecidal action which acts on Salmonella, Legionella growth so as to prevent bio-filming.

Gramicid-C (Multi Component Product For Cooling Tower)

Reduces power consumption by increasing efficiency of the system & functionality
Prevents the water contamination and improves heat loss for proper cooling
Gramicid-C is specifically meant for the control and prevention of microbiological growth in both an open as well as closed circuit systems

Algaecide: Gramicid-C is very effective Algaecide and Bactericide which controls and removes the micro-organisms and algae in recirculating water consumed in cooling towers

Legionella Prevention: Gramicid-C destroys Legionella that is found in Cooling Towers, fountains, pool, ducts, AC, AHU decorative water bodies, garden sprinklers, dust control sprinklers, fire tanks and water tanks.


Available in packing of 30 Kg.


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